Supplications during the war in Ukraine

War, 1903 Painting by Alfred Kubin

War, 1903 Painting by Alfred Kubin

If we are immoveable towards darkness,
we will not have to fight it physically.

Being immovable to evil can only happen
when we stand together and do not allow
darkness to divide us.

Archangel Michael, shatter and consume the collective beasts that prevent both the consumers and the leaders of democratic nations from deciding that we will no longer trade with nations that are actively anti-democratic.

Av Kim Michaels

The following text is an excerpt from four invocations about Ukraine.

Invocation to stop the war in Ukraine and turn it into progress for all 

Part 1

Archangel Michael, shatter and consume the collective beasts:

1. … that prevent all nations from acknowledging the aggression and inhumanity of Putin and his power elite, leading to a massive international pressure on Russia to stop the war in Ukraine.

2. … that prevent all civilized nations from forming a united front towards Russia, demanding a stop to the war in Ukraine.

3. … that prevent nations such as China, India and the Arab nations from taking a clear stand against inhumanity and demanding a stop to the war in Ukraine.

4. … that prevent the formation of an international effort to stop the war through diplomacy and guarantee Ukraine’s independence and security.

5. … that prevent the democratic nations from seeing the need to defend democracy against the nations and forces who seek to destroy it, leading people to see that if we are immoveable towards darkness, we will not have to fight it physically.

6. … that prevent the democratic nations from seeing that being immovable to evil can only happen when we stand together and do not allow darkness to divide us.

7. … that prevent the democratic nations from acknowledging how Russia, China and other nations have attempted to use our freedom of speech and tolerance for differences to undermine democracy and freedom.

8. … that prevent the democratic nations from drawing a line and deciding that we will no longer tolerate these attacks on democracy.

9. … that prevent both the consumers and the leaders of democratic nations from deciding that we will no longer trade with nations that are actively anti-democratic.

Part 2

Archangel Jophiel, shatter and consume the collective beasts

1. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging the aggression and inhumanity of Putin and his power elite, seeing that this is not their war but Putin’s war.

2. ... that prevent leaders in Russia from acknowledging the aggression and inhumanity of Putin and his power elite, seeing that this is not Russia’s war but Putin’s war.

3. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging the inhumanity that Putin and his power elite have demonstrated towards both the people of Ukraine and the Russian

4. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging the inhumanity that Putin and his power elite have demonstrated towards the people of Russia by systematically taking away their democratic freedoms.

5. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that Putin and his power elite can remain in power only because a large part of the Russian population have not risen to the basic humanity.

6. ... that prevent the more aware people in Russia from acknowledging that they themselves have acquired basic humanity and therefore, it is not acceptable for them that their country demonstrates such lack of humanity.

7. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that while Putin claims he wants to restore the greatness of Russia, no person in Russian history has done more to destroy Russia’s standing in the world than Vladimir Putin.

8. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging just how much damage the war in Ukraine has done in terms of changing how the world looks at Russia and Russians.

9. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that the world is so interconnected today that the Russian economy cannot survive if Russia is isolated. This was proven by the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Part 3

Archangel Chamuel, shatter and consume the collective beasts

1.... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that the love they feel for Mother Russia needs to be transformed into a love for the people of Mother Russia, for surely a true mother loves her sons and daughters.

2. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that their willingness to suffer for the state or some dream of Russian greatness is a sign that they do not love themselves. Suffering and force cannot lead to greatness, only humanity leads to greatness.

3. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that many Russians do not love themselves because they believe they are not worthy of love.

4. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that the belief that they are not worthy of love is put upon them by the forces seeking to control them, from the Tsarists power elite to the communist power elite, to Putin and his power elite.

5. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that they can step up to the basic humanity by loving their children more than the state or the dream of Russia’s greatness.

6. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that it is impossible to build greatness through fear and control, which is why the Soviet Union collapsed.

7. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that Putin’s desire to restore Russia’s greatness cannot be achieved because he is seeking to do it through fear and control, and the Soviet Union already proved this to be impossible.

8. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that they love something more than the state that causes them to suffer and fear. They love their children and their future more than the state.

9. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that they want what people in the democratic nations have, namely the knowledge that they can build a better future for themselves and their children, and that this will not be taken away by their own leaders.

Part 4

Archangel Gabriel, shatter and consume the collective beasts

1.... that prevent people from acknowledging that the age of force-based empires is over and that the key to success is cooperation.

2. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that they want to build a better future for themselves and their children that cannot suddenly be destroyed by war.

3. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that people in democratic nations have already risen to the basic humanity and have no hate for Russia, do not want to destroy Russia and would never attack Russia.

4. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that billions of people have acquired a higher level of humanity than a majority of Russians, and therefore they are not a threat to the Russian people, regardless of how Putin and his power elite portrays it.

5. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that when Putin invaded Ukraine, he threatened the belief in a secure future held by billions of people all over the world.

6. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that although they have the free will to live as they want inside Russia, when they interfere with other nations, they go up against the free will of billions of people.

7. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that when Putin and his power elite invaded Ukraine, they did violate the free will of billions of people, and this is doomed to failure.

8. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that, regardless of Russia’s military might or nuclear weapons, any attempt to go against the free will of billions of people will be wrecked by the grinding wheels of history.

9. ... that prevent people in Russia from acknowledging that the only way to secure a future for themselves and Mother Russia is for a higher sense of humanity to be born in a critical mass of people in Russia. Russia can survive only by becoming a modern, democratic nation based on humanity.

Part 5

Archangel Raphael, shatter and consume the collective beasts

1. ... that prevent people everywhere from acknowledging the incredible cynicism, disregard for life and inhumanity, even anti-humanity displayed by Putin and his power elite.

2. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that Putin represents the many different power elites that we have seen throughout history and see in the world today.

3. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that members of such power elites have the same inhumanity, even anti-humanity and that they will not change.

4. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that these power elites have wrecked havoc time and time again, and that they exist only because we have not raised ourselves and the collective consciousness to such a level that they cannot continue to embody on this planet.

5. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that it is high time for those of us who have basic humanity to become aware of these power elites and decide that we will no longer accept their presence on this planet.

6. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that there is also a power elite in the democratic world, namely the financial elite that has no more humanity than those who create wars, in fact their manipulation of the economy is a form of warfare against all of us.

7. ... that prevent people from seeing through the massive anti-democratic propaganda coming from Russia, China and other dictatorial states.

8. ... that prevent people from seeing through the massive propaganda from both mainstream and alternative media in the West aimed at hiding the existence of the financial power elite.

9. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that it is time for those of us who have basic humanity to decide that we will no longer accept this power elite, and we will demand that our democratic leaders do something about it. Yet we can only do this when we have a basis of shared reliable information.

Part 6

Archangel Uriel, shatter and consume the collective beasts

1. … that precipitated Russia’s war against Ukraine and that prevent the Russian people from acknowledging that this is not their war; it is Putin’s war.

2. ... that are trying to turn this into a wider conflict.

3. Archangel Uriel, shatter and consume the beasts of war

… in the astral plane, the emotional realm, that seek to agitate people into going to war.

4. … in the mental realm that seek to deceive people into going to war by justifying war.

5. … in the identity realm that seek to create black-and-white conflicts that can seemingly only be resolved through war.

6. … in the autocratic part of the world, focused on getting people there to reject democracy for themselves and wanting to destroy it in other nations.

7. … in the democratic world, focused in the financial power elite and their economic warfare aimed at enslaving the people through debt and prevent the awareness that all debt must be cancelled for the economy to move forward.

8. … promoting black-and-white thinking everywhere.

9. …promoting the epic mindset everywhere.

Part 7

Archangel Zadkiel, shatter and consume the collective beasts

1. ... that prevent people everywhere from seeing that we live in a transition period to Saint Germain’s Golden Age. Therefore, those who are imbalanced must act out their imbalance in extreme ways in order to make it visible for all.

2. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that there is a very big distance between where the collective consciousness is at today and where it will be in the golden age. It will take many dramatic shifts for the collective consciousness to be raised.

3. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that many people only learn from the School of Hard Knocks, and therefore the knocks must get harder and harder until people open their minds to a new way of looking at life.

4. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that freedom and democracy will replace dictatorial regimes because the shift in the collective consciousness is irreversible.

5. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that they truly want to be able to build a better future for themselves and their children without having it be threatened by war or economic collapse.

6. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that a better future for the people can only be secured when we become aware of the power elite and decide we no longer want them to control our future.

7. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that there is a base of reliable information that can unite us against the power elite, instead of allowing various power elites to divide us through disinformation.

8. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that in this information age, we all have a responsibility to develop our ability to discern between reliable and false information.

9. ... that prevent people from acknowledging that we cannot discern without having a frame of reference from beyond the material universe. We all have access to this within our hearts.

Part 8

Great Karmic Board, I call for an instant and accelerated return of karma

1. … upon Vladimir Putin.

2. ... upon the Russian political, economic, police and military elite who are supporting and enabling Putin.

3. ... upon the leaders of the Russian military who are carrying out or supporting the war in Ukraine.

4. ... upon the Russian police, secret police and others who are controlling the Russian people, including suppressing protests.

5. ... upon those who are controlling the Russian media and preventing the people from knowing what Putin’s power elite is doing in Ukraine, including attacks on civilians.

6. ... upon that part of the Russian people who do not have basic humanity and are supporting Putin and refusing to know what is happening in Ukraine.

7. ... upon people everywhere who are working against the highest possible outcome of the war for Ukraine, Russia and the world.

8. ... upon the Chinese leadership and political leaders in other countries who are either supporting or not speaking out against the inhumanity of Putin and his power elite.

9. ... upon the worldwide financial power elite who are seeking to use this situation to gain profit and to increase their control of the economy.

If you want to read the full text of the supplication and - perhaps - join the people who make these calls, go HERE.

Invocation to the Great Karmic Board for cosmic justice

Part 1

Beloved Great Karmic Board, dispense cosmic justice:

1. ... upon Vladimir Putin.

2. ... upon all members of the Russian government who are taking part in or supporting the war against Ukraine.

3. ... upon all members of the Russian military, intelligence and secret police who are taking part in or supporting the war against Ukraine.

4. ... upon all among the Russian people who are taking part in or supporting the war against Ukraine.

5. ... upon all among the Russian people who are refusing to know the truth about the war against Ukraine.

6. ... upon all members of the Russian financial elite and all oligarchs who are supporting Vladimir Putin or refusing to take action to remove him.

7. ... upon all members of the Russian political elite, military, intelligence and secret police who are supporting Vladimir Putin or refusing to take action to remove him.

8. ... upon all people in Russia who could take part in actions to remove Putin and change the course of Russia but who are not doing so.

9. ... upon all members of the Russian government, military, intelligence and secret police who are supporting or executing the use of chemical, biological, tactical nuclear, thermobaric or other illegal weapons in Ukraine.

Part 2

Beloved Great Karmic Board, dispense cosmic justice

1. ... upon all members of the Russian government, military, intelligence and secret police, and those among the Russian people who are supporting or could be executing a nuclear war against NATO.

2. ... upon all members of the Russian people, military, intelligence, mercenaries or saboteurs who are supporting or executing the indiscriminate killing of civilians and attacks on cities in Ukraine or elsewhere.

3. ... upon all among the Russian people who are refusing to acknowledge the inhumanity of Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

4. ... upon all members of the Russian people, government, military, intelligence and secret police who are refusing to acknowledge the pointlessness of the war against Ukraine.

5. ... upon all members of the Russian people, government, military, intelligence and secret police who are refusing to acknowledge that this is Putin’s personal war and that it can only damage Russia and the Russian people.

6. ... upon all members of the Russian people, government, military, intelligence, secret police, police and media who are actively working to prevent the Russian people from knowing the truth about the war in Ukraine and the suppression of the Russian people.

7. ... upon all people in Russia who are actively taking part in suppressing the Russian people, including arresting or killing dissidents and protesters, thereby being willing to arrest, imprison, torture or kill their own countrymen.

8. ... upon all members of the Russian people, government, intelligence, media and all troll factories who are actively taking part in spreading Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine and all anti-democratic propaganda.

9. ... upon all people who are planning or executing the Russian cyber warfare against the West, especially financial and government institutions and anyone critical of Putin and Russia.

Part 3

Beloved Great Karmic Board, dispense cosmic justice

1. ... upon all people in Russia who are holding on to the dream of a Russian empire that conquers the world while at the same time claiming that Russia is the victim of threats from outside.

2. ... upon all people in Russia who are actively working against a shift that sets Russia on an irreversible path to becoming a modern, democratic nation.

3. ... upon all people in Russia who could be working to set Russia on an irreversible path to becoming a modern, democratic nation, but who are doing nothing.

4. ... upon all among governments and people of the world who are refusing to acknowledge the inhumanity of Russia’s actions in Ukraine and take active measures to stop the war.

5. ... upon Xi Jinping and all other Chinese leaders who are refusing to acknowledge the inhumanity of Russia’s actions in Ukraine and take active measures to stop the war.

6. ... upon Xi Jinping and all other Chinese leaders who are planning a forceful take-over of Taiwan, and who are unwilling to see that if they attack Taiwan, the democratic nations will be forced to cut economic ties, and the Chinese economy cannot survive it.

7. ... upon Xi Jinping and all other Chinese leaders who are executing the abuse of human rights against not only select groups, such as Uighurs and Hong Kong, but against he Chinese people as a whole.

8. ... upon all people in China who are actively working against a shift that sets China on an irreversible path to becoming a modern, democratic nation.

9. ... upon all people in China who could be working to set China on a path to becoming a modern, democratic nation, but who are doing nothing.

Part 4

Beloved Great Karmic Board, dispense cosmic justice

1. ... upon all people in India and Pakistan who are actively working against a shift that sets these nations on an irreversible path to becoming modern, democratic nations.

2. ... upon Kim Jong Un and all people in North Korea who are actively working against a shift that sets North Korea on an irreversible path to becoming a modern, democratic nation.

3. ... upon all people in the nations of the Middle East who are actively working against a shift that sets these nations on an irreversible path to becoming modern, democratic nations.

4. ... upon all people in the nations of Africa who are actively working against a shift that sets these nations on an irreversible path to becoming modern, democratic nations.

5. ... upon all people in the nations of Central and South America who are actively working against a shift that sets these nations on an irreversible path to becoming modern, democratic nations.

6. ... upon Alexander Lukashenko and all people in Belarus who are actively working against a shift that sets this nation on an irreversible path to becoming a modern, democratic nation.

7. ... upon all people in nondemocratic nations who are actively working on undermining or destroying democracy in the nations of the modern world.

8. ... upon all people in democratic nations who are actively working on undermining or destroying democracy in the nations of the modern world.

9. ... upon all people in democratic countries who are believing in and promoting the anti-democratic propaganda coming from Russia, China and other non-democratic nations.

Part 5

Beloved Great Karmic Board, dispense cosmic justice

1. ... upon all people who are actively using Islam to undermine or destroy democracy in their own nations or in the nations of the modern world.

2. ... upon all people who are actively using Christianity, especially the Eastern Orthodox or the Catholic churches to undermine or destroy democracy in their own nations or in the nations of the modern world.

3. ... upon all people who are actively using fundamentalist or evangelical Christianity to undermine or destroy democracy in their own nations or in the nations of the modern world.

4. ... upon all people who are behind the Q-anon conspiracy theory and who are actively promoting it.

5. ... upon all people who are actively promoting other conspiracy theories that are either false, that undermine democracy or that hide the existence of the real power elite that is trying to undermine democracy.

6. ... upon Donald Trump and all people who are believing in and actively promoting his conspiracy theory that he won the 2020 election but it was stolen from him.

7. ... upon the people who are members of various power elite groups, who are working against democracy either through the political process, through the media or through the economy.

8. ... upon all members of the financial elite all over the world who are behind or are promoting neo-liberalism or hiding how profoundly anti-democratic it is.

9. ... upon all members of the financial elite all over the world who are using the financial system to enslave the people and create a modern version of the feudal societies in which people are slaves of a small elite.

Part 6

Beloved Great Karmic Board, dispense cosmic justice

1. ... upon all people who are working against sanctions against Russia or who are actively working to undermine the effectiveness of sanctions.

2. ... upon all people who are actively working against the exposure of how profoundly elitist and anti-democratic the economy is and upon those who could be making an effort to create a truly free economy but who have not done so.

3. ... upon all members of the financial elite who took advantage of the Corona pandemic and made more money than they would have done if there was no pandemic.

4. ... upon all members of the financial elite who are taking advantage of the war in Ukraine to profit on oil, gas and other commodities.

5. ... upon all people who are either taking advantage of or who are not exposing how the financialization of commodities has caused people to pay more for necessities than they would pay in a truly free market.

6. ... upon all people who are either taking advantage of or who are not exposing how the money system, of creating money through debt, is an enormous advantage for the elite and a detriment to the people.

7. ... upon all people who are either taking advantage of or who are not exposing how  financialization of almost everything has created a gambling economy where those who already have money can systematically direct wealth away from the people and towards themselves.

8. ... upon all people who are either taking advantage of or who are not exposing how the financial elite has bought influence on the political process and the media, which is profoundly antidemocratic.

9. ... upon all people who are either taking advantage of or who are not exposing how the financial elite has no more humanity than the people who are creating wars and other forms of atrocities, they are simply better at hiding the consequences of their manipulation.

Part 7

Beloved Great Karmic Board, dispense cosmic justice

1. ... upon all people who are in a position to change the economy or to expose how it is contradictory that we have a democratic political system but an inherently anti-democratic financial system.

2. ... upon all people in the mainstream media who are not willing to expose how the financial elite is systematically undermining democracy.

3. ... upon all people in alternative media or conspiracy theorists who are promoting false theories that confuse people and also obscure the real power elite that is undermining democracy.

4. ... upon all people in governments or institutions in the democratic world who have the knowledge and the power to create a truly democratic economy but who have so far refused to do so.

5. ... upon all people in governments or institutions in the democratic world who claim that the government should stay out of the market, instead of promoting the reality that it is the responsibility of a democratic government to prevent the economy from being exploited by an elite.

6. ... upon all people in the international banking system who are willing to do anything possible to circumvent laws and allow the financial elite to do anything they want, as long as the banks make money.

7. ... upon all people in the international banking system who know the effect of a debt-based money system but who are actively working against it being exposed or changed.

8. ... upon all people in financial institutions all over the world who are participating in allowing the power elite to hide their money so they cannot be taxed or traced to their true owners.

9. ... upon all people in financial institutions all over the world who are participating in allowing mafia groups or international criminal organizations to hide their money or have them whitewashed.

Part 8

Gautama Buddha, withdraw space from the consciousness and dark beings

1.  … behind Vladimir Putin and his war in Ukraine.

2. ... that see war as an acceptable and justifiable means to achieve their goals.

3. … that will not consider the human consequences of war and will not consider their own lack of humanity.

4. ... that allow leaders with anti-humanity, such as Hilter, Stalin, Mao and Putin to arise and gain power over nations or empires.

5. ... that are only seeking to create chaos and destroy people’s ability to build a better future.

6. ... behind the power elites who either wage physical war or who use the financial system to wage an economic war against the people.

7. ... behind the power elites who think democracy is a weak form of government and who are using all means to undermine and destroy it.

8. Gautama Buddha, withdraw space from the demons and fallen beings in the astral, mental and identity realm who are seeking to create war and chaos in order to destroy democracy and freedom.

9. Gautama Buddha, withdraw space from the demons and fallen beings in the astral, mental and identity realm who are seeking to prevent the manifestation of Saint Germain’s Golden Age.


If you want to read the full text of the supplication and - perhaps - join the people who make these calls, go HERE.

Invocation for basic humanity

Part 1

Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

1.  … upon the forces that are opposing progress and outplaying their imbalances to the extreme, and upon the people who refuse to see when the imbalance has gone too far.

2. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus came to inaugurate a cycle where humankind would free itself from being dominated by one power elite after another.

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus said: “For judgment, I am come.” He came to bring the judgment whereby people could free themselves from these power elites.

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus gave us the way to be free from power elites by turning the other cheek and seeking the kingdom of God within—instead of seeking to be special among men.

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that there is a dividing line, and a large majority of the people in the world have raised themselves above this line and attained greater humanity.

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that there is no reasonable explanation for Putin’s war against Ukraine—it is an expression of a lack of humanity.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and his power elite are not open to reason because they lack basic humanity and have no empathy with people who suffer the consequences of their actions.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that until the First World War, the world was dominated by empires. Then, there was a shift from empires to nation states, even a shift from nations dominated by a dictator or small power elite to democratic nations.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that what really has happened is a shift from the planet being dominated by various power elites to where the people have attained more and more power.

Part 2

Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

1. ... upon the people who refuse to see that during the last 2,000 years, empires are losing the battle for control of the earth, and democracy is winning.

2. ... upon the people who refuse to see that although Putin and the Chinese leadership believe they are continuing the age of empires, they are completely out of touch with historical reality.

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and the Chinese leadership are going against a 2,000-year trend in the collective consciousness that cannot be stopped by any force on earth. The shift in the collective consciousness is irreversible and the age of empires will not come back.

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that those who are unbalanced must be allowed to outplay their imbalance, which makes them believe they are winning.

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that they are being allowed to outplay this because members of the power elite serve as substitute teachers. The purpose is to produce a shift in the consciousness of that part of the population who are lacking humanity.

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that people with too little humanity will not hear through words. They are unwilling to learn from other people so they must learn from the School of Hard Knocks.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to see that as the Piscean age has progressed, more and more people have heard Jesus’ higher message and we are the ones who can pull the collective consciousness above the critical line.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the credo for basic humanity is: “Do unto others, what you want them to do unto you.” If you yourself do not want to be forced and dominated, you do not force others.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that there are people who want to be dominated because they do not want to make their own decisions. The power elite will dominate these people by forcing them into extreme behavior.

Part 3

Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

1. ... upon the people who refuse to see that a power elite can build an empire only because there are people who are willing to blindly follow the elite. These people have the insensitivity to life that makes them willing to kill and suppress even their own people.

2. ... upon those people who are willing to kill other people, if they are given a so-called ‘just cause’ by their ruler whom they have decided to follow blindly.

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the development of the world can be described in terms of the dynamic of how many people have acquired basic humanity and can follow the call to ‘do unto others.’

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus was an example to follow for those who have raised themselves and acquired basic humanity. Then, we can begin to work on the essential humanity.

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that in the late 1800s the western world was dominated by a handful of empires, but these empires fell because of historical necessity.

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the populations of some of these empires have shifted and acquired basic humanity.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to see that after the First World War, the collective consciousness in Russia was very low, with a high level of insensitivity to life and cruelty towards people.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the Bolsheviks took over, and what could have been a shift in the collective consciousness of the Russian people was brutally beaten down by Stalin and Red Terror. The Red Terror of Stalin was one of the most extreme out-picturings of the lack of humanity.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the Russian people are fully capable of making the shift to basic humanity. If it had not been for the Soviet Union, they would have made the shift out of the inhumanity and to the basic humanity. This shift was delayed by the Soviet Union.

Part 4

Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

1.... upon the people who refuse to see that the Soviet Union, despite the word ‘union,’ was not a union at all. It was an empire that was forced by brutal force, by brutal suppression.

2. ... upon the people who refuse to see that there was a core of the Soviet Empire that was what the Russian people call Russia. This was the Russians and they took pride in being in control of the Soviet empire.

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that in many Soviet Republics or Warsaw Pact countries people felt they were suppressed, they were forced by Russia and the Russian people.

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that in many of these nations the brutal suppression caused people to start separating themselves from the Russian people. As a result, the collective consciousness started rising in those Republics. 

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that many people in these republics saw the brutality of the Russians who were in charge of the Soviet Union. They started saying: “We cannot allow ourselves to do this. We have to raise ourselves above this.”

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that this is why, as soon as the Soviet Union collapsed, many of these nations distanced themselves from Russia. They did not want to ever again be dominated by the brutality and the inhumanity of the Russian people.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to see that in the previous Warsaw Pact countries and former Soviet republics, people have a higher standard of living and political freedom than the people of Russia.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that in Russia, Putin started reversing the historical shift from the age of empires to the age of democracy.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that an emperor takes power because there are enough people that will go along with him. Putin took power and rewrote the Russian constitution because enough people in Russia either supported it or did not object to it.

Part 5

Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

1. ... upon the people who refuse to see that a critical mass of the Russian people are below that level of basic humanity, or Putin could not have taken power and could not have turned Russia back towards an imperial state.

2. ... upon the people who refuse to see that today’s Russia has a population east of the Urals, that are not what would normally be called Russians. They are dominated by Russia, and the Russians west of the Urals are reaping the major economic benefits of the gas and oil it is taking out

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that in the future, instead of having an empire that is created through force, we will have many smaller nation states that cooperate. Once we raise ourselves above the level of basic humanity, we can begin to cooperate.

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that there is no need for force when we have basic humanity, because we see that cooperation goes further than force ever could.

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that many people with lower humanity believe in the theory of evolution and that they are the strongest, they are the most willing to use force, they are the most brutal and therefore they are the fittest to survive.

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Jesus demonstrated that no amount of force can withstand the judgment of Christ. Because the judgment of Christ is beyond the material world and force is of the material world.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the historical trend is clear: force is retreating, cooperation and union are increasing—and they will win.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the Ukrainian people have taken on a certain role in connection to the Russian people, namely to mirror back to Russians their lack of humanity.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the Holodomor was precipitated upon the Ukrainians because the Ukrainians had volunteered to suffer this atrocity, as a way to mirror back to the Russian people the insensitivity to life, the brutality, the lack of humanity, in the Russian collective consciousness. The same thing with Chernobyl, the same thing with the present situation.

Part 6

Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

1. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the Germans, the British and many other people in Europe have been willing to look at the beam in their own eye and say: “We can never allow something like this to happen again in our nation.” That is why they have made progress in the standard of living of the people.

2. ... upon the people who refuse to see that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians have not made any attempt to look at themselves and say: “How could this happen in Russia? How could it go so far in Russia? How could we have a situation where so many people in Russia were willing to be the henchmen of Stalin and imprison, torture and kill their own countrymen?”

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that one measure for the lack of humanity is what a group of people will do to others that they see as different from themselves. But the real measure is what they do to themselves.

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Russians have not shown any willingness to take responsibility for the Soviet brutality, the Soviet suppression. Yet the Russian people are indeed responsible for what happened.

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that this unwillingness of the people to look in the mirror is why Putin is in power, why Putin has taken Russia in the direction he has taken Russia, why the standard of living is as low as it is and why he had to invade Ukraine.

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that those who are imbalanced must become more and more extreme, until it becomes obvious how unbalanced they are, how inhumane they are.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Putin wants the world to acknowledge that he and Russia are special, but this is the empirical consciousness. The democratic consciousness is that all men and women are created equal and they have been endowed with rights that no one has the authority to take away from them.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that there is a sincere attempt in the democratic world to have cooperation among equals, without anyone claiming special status and entitlement to special treatment.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that so far the world has given Putin the benefit of the doubt that he probably did not mean what he said, but now that doubt has been shattered by him.

Part 7

Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

1.... upon the people who refuse to see that a substantial part of the Russian population has already made the shift into the basic humanity, but they are not the ones who are keeping Putin in power—it is the majority of the Russian population who have not shifted to basic humanity.

2. ... upon the people who refuse to see that too many Russians do not have the humanity that makes them sensitive to other people. At the same time, they have the desire to have a special status, they want other people to respect them.

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that if Russians had acquired the same level of basic humanity as people in the democratic world, they would automatically be respected. But since Russians do not have that, other people cannot and will not respect them.

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that instead of having other people respect them as equals, many Russians will settle for people fearing them because they are willing to use the brutality that comes from their lack of humanity.

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the democratic world will not respect Russia, until Russians acquire the same level of basic humanity as they have in the democratic world.

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that those among the Russian people who have humanity must speak out, wake up, demand change, and therefore pull the majority of the population up.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to acknowledge the shock of Russia invading a nation that is no threat to Russia but is claimed to be a brother nation. Help people acknowledge the brutality and lack of humanity demonstrated by Russian armed forces against civilians in Ukraine.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that people below the line of basic humanity will only learn through the School of Hard Knocks. And if the knock that Russians have been given now is not sufficient, there will be harder knocks because the law of karma has not been rendered null and void by the declarations of the Russian leadership.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that what keeps Putin in power is the majority of the Russian people, but the collective consciousness in Russia is shifting and thus Putin is running out of time. Help Russians wake up and decide they want a better form of leadership.

Part 8

1. Mother Mary, use my calls to send shockwaves through the collective consciousness of Russia to challenge the state of denial that many Russians are in about the war in Ukraine and the state of war against the Russian people.

2. Mother Mary, I call forth the judgment of the Divine Mother:

... upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and his power elite have indeed launched a war, an invasion against Ukraine, regardless of what the official propaganda says.

3. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Putin and the mainstream Russian media are blatantly lying to the Russian people about what is happening in Ukraine, including to their own soldiers.

4. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the Russian forces in Ukraine are systematically attacking civilians and destroying cities in an extremely inhumane war.

5. ... upon the people who refuse to see that the “justifications” given by Putin and his power elite are lies that have nothing to do with reality.

6. ... upon the people who refuse to see that their own sons are being forced to fight an inhumane war, faced with the choice to carry out orders to kill civilians or to be shot for treason. This is a completely inhumane act against the Russian people.

7. ... upon the people who refuse to see that although Putin has an ambition of building a great Russian Empire, no man in the entire history of Russia has done more to damage Russia’s standing in the world.

8. ... upon the people who refuse to see that this is Putin’s war, not the people’s war, but if they do not protest, they will indeed be held responsible by God for enabling Putin to go on.

9. ... upon the people who refuse to see that Russian people face a choice of whether they will rise towards greater humanity or allow Putin to drag them even deeper into inhumanity, as he turns on those Russians who object to his rule, seeking to silence or destroy them.



Invoking the Dhyani Buddhas for change in Russia 

In the name of Gautama Buddha, I call to the Dhyani Buddhas, Vairochana, Akshobya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amogasiddhi and Vajrasattva to give all Russians an opportunity to see what they cannot see. Help those who can bring Russia closer to the Golden Age Matrix of Saint Germain step outside the collective consciousness and see a brighter future for Russia. 

Concentrate your essence in the atmosphere over Moscow and cover all of Russia, all Russians abroad and all of Ukraine, eradicating the poisons of:
– ultimate ignorance and delusion,
– anger and hatred,
– spiritual and intellectual pride,
– cravings, lust and greed,
– envy and jealousy and the fear that Russians cannot have what other nations have,
– non-will and non-being. 

Reveal the ultimate reality of the lack of humanity from the government towards the Russian people, the lack of humanity of the Russian military in Ukraine and how the world is reacting to the lack of humanity. 

Give all Russians an opportunity to accept or deny the ultimate reality that Russia will be respected by the world only by rising to a higher level of humanity. 

Help all Russians who are willing to change, so they overcome all tendency to be lukewarm or to be paralyzed by ignorance. Fill them with the uncompromising courage of the lion that they may conquer all obstacles of ignorance. 

To see that the democratic world only wants freedom and prosperity for the Russian people, therefore NATO is not a threat to Russia. 

Reveal that the Russian people are angry with themselves and their leaders, but they direct that anger towards people in other countries, thinking others are responsible for their own situation. 

Give all Russians an opportunity to accept or deny that Russia can be respected by other nations but only through cooperation and humanity. 

Oh Akshobya, help all Russians who are willing to change, so they can overcome all tendency to respond to situations with anger. Clear their etheric bodies from all hatred and sense of being powerless. Fill them with the strength of the elephant that they may conquer all obstacles of powerlessness and accept that change really is possible in Russia. 

Reveal the ultimate reality that all people are of equal value, and thus Russians will be respected only as far as they respect others. 

Give all Russians an opportunity to overcome or reinforce their need to feel special compared to other nations. 

Oh Ratnasambhava, help all Russians who are willing to change, so they may conquer all obstacles of pride. Help them overcome all tendency to judge other nations without seeing how much better life is in democratic nations. 

Fill them with your equanimity that they may see that a prosperous future for Russia is possible only by cooperating with the world as equals. 

Reveal the ultimate reality that Russians do not have to let their lives be consumed by the never-ending quest to fill the bottomless pit of the human desire for national superiority. 

Give all Russians an opportunity to accept or deny a future where Russia is an equal among nations because it has risen to the same level of humanity as other nations. 

Oh Amitabha, help all Russians who are willing to change, so they can overcome all tendency to feel that no amount of expansion of the Russian empire is enough or good enough. 

Fill them with grace of the peacock that they may conquer all obstacles of unquenchable desires for being respected by other nations while themselves lacking respect for others. 

Beloved Amogasiddhi, thou who always achieves your goal, concentrate your essence in the atmosphere over Moscow and release an infinite surge of your All-accomplishing Wisdom of Perfected Action that with God all things are possible. 

Reveal the ultimate reality that a better future for Russia is indeed possible. 

Give all Russians an opportunity to accept or deny that they do not need to prove their worth by suffering more than other people. 

Oh Amogasiddhi, help all Russians who are willing to change, so they can overcome all tendency to feel powerless. 

Fill them with your uncompromising courage of perfected action that they may conquer all obstacles to seeing the power within themselves, so they do not seek greatness by submitting to an external authority. 

Help them overcome all tendency to think they can achieve greatness only through the state. 

Reveal the ultimate reality that the Will of God within them gives them the power to overcome the view that Russia is the center of the world. 

Give all Russians an opportunity to accept or deny that Russia can have a prosperous future only by finding its place as an equal among nations, thereby cooperating with the world. 

Oh Vajrasattva, help all Russians who are willing to change, so they can master the realm of Being, 

Help them overcome all tendency to seek greatness in standing apart from other nations. 

Fill them with all-conquering sense of Being in the Will of God, so they can accept that Russia really can be changed into a modern, democratic nation. 

Help them see Saint Germain’s Golden Age Matrix for a new free and prosperous Russia and their own role in making it a physical reality. 


If you want to read the full text of the supplication and - perhaps - join the people who make these calls, go HERE.

For those who are new to this type of invocation, read "Using invocations and decrees".

 Many people give them daily at 7, 12 and 19 in the chosen number and order.

Senaste kommentaren

17.01 | 17:26

Hi Andras! You have to ask people under adressen: Sincerely! Powel K.

17.01 | 17:16

AZ ÉNÜNK EREJE - heter boken på ungerska

24.12 | 07:34

Vad heter boken på ungerska ?

21.09 | 11:17

Hej Andrei, błöcker på engelska kan Du bestąlla här:

Hälsningar! Powel K.

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